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What writing experience do you have?

Check out my About the Writer page for a list of my previous jobs as a reporter and some sample clips from over the years.

Why did you start a blog?

I saw a real lack of local print reporting and investigative journalism in the area and decided to fill the obvious need. I have experience writing for almost all of the local Peace region newspapers, as well as experience freelancing for magazines, and I love to write. I also have the knowledge and skills to do the required research, and the determination to dig deeper for information without being dissuaded by fear, threats or intimidation.

Why a blog?

A blog is an excellent way to self-publish and still be able to reach a local and even global audience. It allows me to publish quickly, without needing to wait for print publishing schedules. It also allows me to write about whatever I think is important or interesting, without being beholden to advertisers. More and more often these days, blogs are getting scoops that are later being picked up by mainstream media, and as such they are fulfilling an important new function in journalism as a whole.

Why do you write your opinions on your blog?

A blog is by definition a website where a person writes about their opinions and experiences, usually in a less formal style than in traditional print media. I back up my opinions with facts, but this blog is expressly for my opinions.

What motivates you?

A scoop! If you have information or a lead on a story that no one else has covered, and it's local, timely and newsworthy, contact me. I'm especially interested if you have documents or other proof, or are willing to go on the record.

What kind of stories are you interested in writing about?

This is a great list of the types of stories reporters look for: 

What good does it do to write about people and issues in the Peace?

First, it can help sort rumours with a grain of truth from vicious gossip with no basis in truth. Through research and interviews, I can quickly find out if a potential lead is actually nothing. These leads don't end up as blog posts, since if I can disprove them, there is no story. Sometimes, however, rumours and leads are based on fact, and I'm able to demonstrate that in a post through my research. This can help people sort through the talk and comments that are always swirling around in a small town, and find out what is really happening.

More importantly, journalism is the fifth estate, a way that people in a democracy can become informed about issues that matter, and also a way to hold those with power accountable to the people. What good is a vote if it isn't an informed vote? Journalism has always had a vital role to play in democracy at all levels of government.

Why do you care about Peace River?

I first moved to Peace River with my husband and young daughter back in 2000. Both of my children attend school in Peace River, as well as participate in extracurricular sports etc. there, and a good portion of my business is done in town. I am in Peace River almost every single day and have worked there off and on. I consider Peace River my adopted hometown.

However, I am also interested in covering news and issues across the Peace region.

Why do you care about politics?

I've been fascinated by politics since I realized how politics affects the day-to-day life of everyone in society. I have volunteered and worked as a political activist, run in federal politics, and worked in a provincial constituency office. I will always be passionate about politics.

What do you hope to accomplish with this blog?

I hope to better inform the people of the Peace region, especially by publishing information they wouldn't have access to otherwise, and particularly when that information may be in the public interest. 

I also hope to cover stories in the Peace that might be of interest to people across the province and even the country, informing the broader world about the Peace.

Are you doing any other writing?

I'm currently writing a book about my experiences running a DIY fire circus, and meet regularly with a local writing group to work on my writing.

I'm also always open to freelance gigs writing articles or press releases.

Why are you asking for donations?

To cover research and other sundry costs. Donations allow me to remain independent. See my Donate page for more, or to support my work.

Have a question that wasn't answered here? Contact me.

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