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Showing posts from November 5, 2017

Donnelly Councillor Now in Obvious Conflict of Interest for Keeping His Job as a Reporter

Those with political aspirations who realize their current position would conflict with their ambitions often resign their job in order to run in an election. For instance, the publisher of a newspaper may resign in preparation for a run at being Mayor. Not so though for Mac Olsen, reporter for the local Falher paper the Smoky River Express . Olsen was elected one of the Village of Donnelly's new councillors , and apparently, he kept his day job. Not only for the campaign, but since he won, too.  If ever you wanted proof that we still live in the wild west when it comes to journalistic ethics here in the Peace, this is it. The Village of Donnelly is part of the coverage area of the Express , and the Express regularly publishes the actions of the Donnelly council in its council notes. It's not as if Olsen is at least working for a paper that covers a different area than the one where he's on council. Words almost fail me in trying to explain why this is such