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Showing posts from November 12, 2017

Mansplaining Isn't Just Sexist, It's A Bad Political Strategy On the Part of Canada's Conservatives

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a woman in possession of a leadership position must be in want of a man to explain it to her. At any given time, there is a loud chorus of male politicians (and opinion columnists) generously ready to offer their sage advice on how women in powerful positions should do things, whether or not they themselves have even close to the same education or experience. The difference these days is that powerful women aren't taking it anymore. Just this past week, three important female Canadian leaders dared to speak out despite the mansplainers, and it was glorious. Calling out mansplaining and sexism in general is having a moment, not just in Alberta but across the country, as women dare to name the real nature of the criticisms levelled against them and refuse to back down despite them.  Canada's Governor General Julie Payette found herself the beneficiary of the ample generosity of men sharing their dubious wisdom when she dar