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Showing posts from October 22, 2017

Reflections on Peace River in the Wake of the Municipal Election

A lot of people have been asking me lately why I care so much about Peace River. They want to know why I ask so many questions about what happens in town, why I cared so much about a municipal election I couldn't vote in myself, and why I started a blog with posts specifically about candidates in the Peace River election. The implication is I shouldn't care, or I don't have a right to be involved, or that I'm not a part of Peace River at all. I've tried to explain why I care about Peace River many times in short comments about our daughters going to school at Glenmary, and our business often doing work in town, or my long history of living and volunteering and working there. But in this emotional week where not only did we have hotly contested municipal elections, but my oldest daughter is also going away to college, and I said good-bye to my last and closest grandparent, it's become a deeper question than I originally thought. Peace River does mea